- Title
- Name
- Specialized Field(s)
- Representative
Patent Attorney
- Hiroyoshi AOKI
- Wireless communications, electronic components, semiconductors, surface mounting, display devices, materials
- Partner
Patent Attorney
- Masayuki AMADA
- Electronic/electric circuits, wireless communications, electronic control, mechatronics, mechanical technology
- Of Counsel
Patent Attorney
- Yoshiyuki OSUGA
- Electronics, software, electrical circuits, semiconductors
- Of Counsel
Patent Attorney
- International IP related matters
- Of Counsel
Patent Attorney
- Susumu ITOH
- Mechanical technology, Electronic control, Mechatronics
- Of Counsel
Patent Attorney
- Takumi NITTONO
- Semiconductors, wireless communications, materials
- Patent Attorney
- Tatsushi IIZUKA
- Electronic circuits, information processing
- Patent Attorney
- Yoshimasa OKADA
- Mechanical technology, mechatronics, wireless communications
- Patent Attorney
- Toru KANNO
- Wireless communications, processing technology, display devices
- Patent Attorney
- Masaaki KITAGAWA
- Mechanical technology, mechatronics
- Patent Attorney
- Nobuaki KIMURA
- Semiconductors, organic materials, electrical/electronics
- Patent Attorney
- Wataru KUSAKA
- Wireless communications, optical design, elementary particle and nuclear physics
- Patent Attorney
- Kohei SATO
- Information processing, wireless communications, electrical, electronics, mechanical technology
- Patent Attorney
- Tsukasa SHIOZAKI (Trademark Advisor)
- Trademarks, Unfair Competition Prevention Law
- Patent Attorney
- Medical systems, Electronic components,
Surface treatment technology, Magnetic materials
- Patent Attorney
- Sensor devices, High-frequency devices,
Mechanical technology
- Patent Attorney
- Kenichi SHINKAI
- Information processing, computer hardware, software, wireless communications, electronic/electric circuits, electronic control, semiconductors, fintech technology
- Patent Attorney
- Hiroaki SUGATA
- Information processing, computer hardware, software
- Patent Attorney
- Akihiro TSUNODA
- Information processing, software, electrical circuits
- Patent Attorney
- Wireless communications, Geophysics
- Patent Attorney
- Hidetoshi FUJITA
- Mechanical technology, Electronics
- Patent Attorney
- Wireless communications, information processing, electrical/electronic devices, control systems
- Patent Attorney
- Kuniaki MIURA
- Optics, electrical technology, electronics, mechanical technology
- Patent Attorney
- Masayoshi MIWA
- Materials, nanotechnology, electronic components
- Patent Attorney
- Yoshitaka MORIYA
- Semiconductors, display devices, wireless communications
- Patent Attorney
- Naoki YANO
- Information processing, mechanical technology, optics
- Patent Attorney
- Tetsuro YANO
- Mechanical technology, mechatronics, semiconductor devices
- Patent Attorney
- Munetaka YAMAGA
- Mechatronics, software, optics, mechanical technology